The following links are sites I’ve found to be useful or entertaining over the years relating to the Vega or sailing in general. If you find any broken links or if you have any links to add please contact us via email
 Click to join AlbinVega
I could put a forum on this site but this one already exists. Worldwide discussion group. Get answers to almost any Vega question.
| The Vega Associan of Great Britain A wealth of information and source for spares for the Vega. Rather than duplicate Steve’s efforts here I’ve elected to simply provide a link.
| The Wild Vikings And I mean REALLY WILD!
VODA The Vega One Design Assn. is the governing body for Vega racing. The AVA is a member club.
| Nawiliwili Yacht Club, Kauai, Hawaii Because they’re a great bunch of folks, subscribe to our newsletter and Chuck and Laura are members.
| Marine Waypoints Ever wonder what those signal flags in “Fair Winds” mean?
AndyT13's web site
Lots of cool stuff, including many excellent Vega photos
| CinLor Tech Very cool waterproof boat computer with boating-specific applications. Check it out.
| AVA Bookstore Shop for books, DVD movies and music and support the AVA through the affiliate program. Special selections of interest to sailors in general and AVA members in particular.
Lars Zandén, Captain on S/Y On the Rocks
Nice Vega site. Click the Union Jack for English
| Another very nice Vega site in the Netherlands. Click the union jack for english
| On The Wind A daily blog about sailing, by an experienced sailor (AVA Member Nico Walsh). Technical
but accessible content about sailing, sail trim, navigation, cruising,
and the universe of boating.