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VODA Meeting, Copenhagen November 24, 2011 |
ed. The following was sent by member Frank Gallardo who attended the VODA meeting representing the AVA
Sorry about the late report Chuck. No real reason/excuse, just have to adjust while my body slows down prior to my going into my yearly winters hibernation. It is cold, wet dreary, depressing !!!) and so was Copenhagen. Anyway I am sure you have received the official report from Rob Kloosterman, in which he pretty much summed everything up. However, I will add a few items that weren't mentioned.
Rob kicked it off stating his personal concerns and that of "some" other attending delegates, that VODA was in the throes of decline, and in need of "new, young blood = members". Membership in the National organizations seemed to be declining and the overwhelming members are older and in many cases over 60 (was he talking about me??) . Also a lack of interest in racing, which was how the original VODCA came into being. These concerns were shared by some , but not necessarily all attending delegates. So the question was put to everyone: "Do we accept what is happening or do we transform VODA to make it more attractive to not only new but younger members?" The Germans seemed to be the most satisfied with the status quo, they have roughly 238 members, (not all boat owners), and were pretty much family oriented. They also figure there are probably an additional 300 Vegas in Germany that are not members. The Netherlands gave no figures on members , but did mention that there probably about 220 Vegas in the country. Norway seems to be down to only 50 members left. Denmark has 160 members and decreasing. The U.K. also has about 200 members (plus about 300 boats that are not members) and are family oriented, with organized racing difficult with their long coastline (2,000 + miles) . Sweden, home of the Vega figures it has 320 members, but probably more than 600 additional boats that are not members. It was proposed that these meetings be held once a year. Action to change the trend, is difficult, one reason being that VODA has no legal status, and they can't even open a bank account. Walther Nerving, the President, has been trying to step down for a couple of years, with no volunteers stepping forward. Steve Birch nominated Michael Freeman of the U.K. (he is a little reluctant, but may accept in the end).
Also the first Vega built, a prototype in wood is up for sale, and everyone agreed that it should be saved, and maybe put into a maritime museum in Sweden. The Swedes are looking into that. Also National contributions to VODA will have to be invcreased (U.S. exempted) to deal with increased activities. The IFR, will be held next July in Denmark, and the question for everyone (U.S.A. included), is what can be done to promote the Vega either nationally or internationally? One thing restricting an increase in new members, is the number of available boats in each country.
I have included two photos, so you can put a face to some of the names. One photo is of Rob Kloosterman (standing), the other from left to right is Walther Nerving, Steve Birch, Michael Freeman, unknown Swedish delegate, and again Rob standing.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Frank Gallardo
Wather Nerving, Stever Birch, Rob Kloostermann |
Rob Klooserman |
Invitation to the Voda meeting at
Copenhagen, November
24th 2011
Committees of International Vega
Dear delegates and
Upon our request, Vega Associations
of Germany, Great-Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Norway have
agreed to have their delegates present at the VODA meeting to be held in
Copenhagen on Thursday November 24th 2011. From USA/Canada, sofar, no delegates
have been announced.
You are kindly requested to submit
delegate’s names, e-mail addresses and cell-phone numbers to the Voda
Venue: Restaurant Kastrup
Strandpark, 2770 Kastrup. Phone: + 45 3251 7475; e-mail: info@kastrupstrandpark.dk.
Location: Marina near the airport.
Time: 14.00 – 18.00
Charges like flight and lodging are
to be absorbed by the Vega Country Associations or absorbed otherwise locally.
(as communicated in the earlier announcement). Only charges involved for the
meetingroom are for Voda account.
The below mentioned hotel was
recommended by Walther Nerving:
www.hotel-maritime.dk. Located in the
City, 5 min. from the Metro to the airport and 2 min. from the pedestrian
Hotelbookings to be arranged
individually! Although it would be nice to be in the same hotel, please feel
free to book a hotel of you choice.
Proposed agenda:
Leading meeting-motto: The future of
our Vega’s, the national Vega Associations and Voda.
1. Present situation and
2. Threats and
3. Strenghtening unity through
Additions or alterations to the
agenda are welcome. Please submit same, if any,� to the Voda secretary before
november 1st.
In addition there is the matter of
Voda President’s successor. You are urgently requested to submit your
In case of any further queries, do
not hesitate to contact the Voda secretary.
See you in
Kind regards,
Vega One Design
Walther Nerving,
Rob Kloosterman,
Minutes of the General VODA Meeting (draft) held on Friday 14 July 2006 in Eckernförde, Germany
1) Opening
The meeting is opened at 11:02 by the VODA president Mr. Walther Nerving. He likes to give the word to the secretary to lead the meeting further.
Fourteen members were participating, being from Sweden Per Wasberg, Ingemar Bäck and Böye Baksson, from the Netherlands Jacob Cats, Gert Stap, Arend Schram and Joop Wagenmakers, from Denmark Walther Nerving and Mogens Tybo Nielsen, from Germany Klemens Henkes, Thomas Berthold and Lüder Heidemann, from Great Britain Mike Freeman and Steve Birch. Norway and USA are not participating this time.
2) Number of members per National VEGA Organisation Denmark 220, Great Britain 207, Germany 138, Netherlands 272, Norway 65, Sweden 600, USA 129. These numbers are defining the number of votes per Organization during this meeting and the annual contribution each National Organisation is due to VODA (€ 0,25 per member). 3) Minutes of the General VODA Meeting held on July 15, 2004 in Egå, Denmark The minutes are approved unchanged. 4) Election of the VODA Board for the next two years Walther Nerving, president, is re-elected as such. Joop Wagenmakers is re-elected as secretary (including: treasurer). 5) VODA Achievement Awards 2006 The secretaries of all National Organizations have been invited in time by the VODA secretary to put forward their motivations for possible candidates being entitled to receive an award. VODA president and secretary have studied all 4 received motivations and made their choice, being Steve Birch and together Piet and Elly van Soest. The president cites the texts about their merits. The two awards will be handed over during the IFR closing diner. 6) Next VEGA International Friendship Regatta The Vega Association of Great Britain is ready to organize the next IFR in 2008, as chairman Mike Freeman announces. His proposal is greatly welcomed. The event will take place in Harwich, probably in the middle of July. 7) VODA Economy
Joop Wagenmakers distributes the financial statement 2006 to the participants of the meeting. He states to have € 537,24 in cash, mostly on an interest account. Three National Organizations are still due to pay their annual fee; this will be solved. He Swedish Organization asks for the VODA account numbers, Joop will care for that.
8) Approval VEGA Class Rules 2006 The new VEGA Class Rules are open for approval. Except for small editorial adaptations, up to Lüder Heidemann and Joop Wagenmakers due in autumn 2006 , the Rules are approved and will be put on the VODA Website by Steve Birch later on. There were some remarks about chapter II B of the Rules: Lüder is in favour decentralizing paperwork to National Organizations; each measurement result may be checked by one or two members; a copy of the checked measurement from to send to the Class Organization being free how to organize. Mogens communicates in Denmark the club measures in practise a boat once and for ever. 9) Approval proposal to standardising measurement sheets to check on Vega Class Rules
The proposed measurement sheet has been approved; to be carried out still as asked for by Lüder Heidemann: its paragraphs will refer to corresponding paragraphs of the Rules.
10) National reports on activities
The secretaries of the National Organisations are kindly requested to submit their report on the past two years to the VODA secretary, if not having done yet.
11) Further questions and points
12) Closing of the meeting
At 11:53. The president likes to thank all those having drawn up and re-discussed contributions concerning the Vega Class Rules and Measurement Form.
Walther Nerving, president Joop Wagenmakers, secretary